Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Extreme Sport of Practical Shooting


"If shooting has an "extreme" sport, USPSA-sanctioned practical shooting is it. Competitors move, negotiate obstacles, run, speed-reload, and drive their guns through each of several courses as fast as their skills will allow. Although most matches are held outdoors, in all weather, further taxing competitor skill, there are a growing number of indoor ranges conducting USPSA events." 

When I was a kid, me & my buddies used to play mock gun fights with our toy guns. One side would be the good guys & the other were the bad guys (usually Nazis, the meanest of them all). We would shout, "bang-bang!" or "ra-tat-tat!" the whole day. Some of the more affluent kids had cap guns that made loud noises. I sure miss those days when you can just get dirty & play warrior/soldier with your buddies & admire each others toys...

"You may remember that in the original Dirty Harry movie, Clint Eastwood's character visits a training center and walks down the street of a mock city engaging hostile targets and while identifying and sparing innocents. A lot of us saw it too, and thought, "cool!" It looked like too much fun to be just the law enforcement work of qualifying with a handgun."

Well, you can actually play something similar today without being labeled as a geek... It's called Practical Shooting. You come out & play with your friends, fire real guns, and admire each others toys. According to legend, it all started in 1976 in the city of Columbia, Missouri, where a group of international shooters played with their toys in an open field to see who was the fastest... the most accurate... the best! It was all good and so they called it practical shooting... and an extreme sport was born!

Now that you know, spread the word...


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